Main Page News Camex is 5 years old!

Camex is 5 years old!


Dear Customers,


One of the most difficult things is to take the first step and start a new way.

We, as Camex, set out in a new way in 2012. When everyone was upset in 2012, we were optimistic.

Everyone in the world thinking that the night will be dark we worked until late at night and launched Camex Azerbaijan.


We've grown every day for 5 years and we've been trying to renew and  distinguish from other.


We lived for 5 years, which can be said to be a quiet, enthusiastic, exciting, as MOVIE.


Our film will be on the "screen" for many years with the love and support of its partners.


We are celebrating #5yearsofyoursatisfaction today.


Thank You for your support, love and trust for 5 years!




Your partner in the  skies, Camex